
Learn How to be a Radio Program Director

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In this instance a truly double meaning. One - The lessons are free. Two - Well, you'll figure that out as you take them.

"Programming is part science and part art form. But the truly great stations lean heavily into the art of it all." Pat Holiday

It has always bothered me for years, that there was no training for new radio program directors. If you're like me and thousands of others, you were just thrown into the job and expected to be great and know what you're doing. But no other business or industry acts like that. It's crazy, yet here we are.

This course is designed to give you the basics of being a PD, and a bunch more. If you're a seasoned PD, I have no doubt that you'll see things you didn't know you could do or even think were a possibility. But you can.

If you're just starting out, I want these lessons to elevate you way past the, "OMG, what do I do now?" to a way more comfortable "Oh yeah, I saw that on one of Pat Holiday's Master Class lessons. I got this."

L114 | How to make your station's music less boring

A simple hack to keep your music interesting. This video uses Music Master to do that.

L113 | How a regular person feels about songs on the radio

A quick radio consolidation history and how it intersects with so many stations sounding identical. This from a NON-Radio person. Interesting perspective.

L112 | What it's like to hang out with the biggest star in the world

I spent a day on the road with Alice Cooper when there was no one more famous. This is what it was like. It'll be what you think, and then totally not what you think. But for sure, it was an experience.

L111 | Your Radio Skills are probably worthless if the SHTF

Answer this ONE hard question. If you lose your job and NO ONE is hiring people. What kind of skills do you actually possess to survive?


L110 | Your Radio Skills are probably worthless if the SHTF

Answer this ONE hard question. If you lose your job and NO ONE is hiring people. What kind of skills do you actually possess to survive?

L109 | 40 Tips to Program a Great Radio Station

Mike McVay joins me with 40 important tips that every PD should be thinking about, understand, and ultimately impliment.

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L108 | The BEST way to become a radio STAR

Blow past your rivals. Become something larger than life. Or at least the others on the radio. Do what Steve Harvey does. It's not what you think. But it matters.

L107 | Using ChatGPT for your Radio Show

Step by Step I'll show you how to use ChatGPT and get you started. It's a great easy tool to help you add LOTS more content for your shows without a lot of work.

L106 | SO MUCH Radio knowledge every PD should know

3 successful, experienced, and very knowledgeable PD's unload about a ton of things every PD should think about and ultimately know to have success. Rob Farina, Mike Bendixen, and Rob Basile.

L105 | AM Salvation? The UN-Satellite Network

With AM radio in the news and tentatively on the auto chopping block. Let's revisit an old idea of helping AM stay relevant.

L104 | Building a New Format : Pop + Country

Lets take 2 different formats and turn them into one. You can do it with almost all genre's of music. But it's tricky. Lets go through all that.

L103 | Let's talk about Air-checking

How's: To think, to approach, to come out ok, to NOT do them, and so forth. Everything but actually doing someone's specific Aircheck.

L102 | Make your own future.....NOW. Time is running out.

Two major firings occurred yesterday in media on top of the hundreds going on every year just in radio alone. You need to protect yourself from someone else ruining your life.

Our new 'retirement' channel is: https://www.youtube.com/@laptopseniors/videos/@UC4CpNlt3-IzBs_XyZgc2lDA

L101 | OMG, that DJ is simply UNreal

A warning shot for people in radio today? Or is it a beam of light for the industry?

L100 | Life's Financial Backup. It's EVERYTHING

Doesn't matter the job or circumstances. This ALWAYS makes your life so much easier. Pick a target an go for it.

L99 | 4 Conclusions about Radio you should know about

During decades in radio, some things just stick out, and need to be pointed out. This is 4 of them.

L98 | The REAL Peak Creative Ages

Ever wonder when people are actually at their creative peak, age wise? It's probably not what you think. Something major to think about when you're hiring staff.

L97 | Should a radio show be net 'Interactive'?

So many stations talk about internet stuff. But is it of any value to a listener?

L96 | The Pitfalls of launching a New Format

A fascinating, sad, and telling story of what it's like for a programmer trying to innovate with a new format.

L95 | All Music Formats by the Numbers - Save this!

Final Lesson in our series of dissecting each music format. This is all of them that we'll compare and pick out some obvious hacks that you need to be aware of.

L94 | Hot AC Radio's Music by the numbers

We go through the Music Universes of the Top Hot AC radio stations in the U.S., and talk about what they do and play.

L93 | Alternative Radio's Music by the numbers

We go through the Music Universes of the Top Alternative radio stations in the U.S., and talk about what they do and play.

L92 | Active Rock Radio's Music by the Numbers

We go through the Music Universes of the Top Active Rock radio stations in the U.S., and talk about what they do and play.

L91 | Classic Rock Radio's Music by the numbers

We go through the Music Universes of the Top Classic Rock radio stations in the U.S., and talk about what they do and play.

L90 | Classic Hits Radio's Music by the numbers

We go through the Music Universes of the Top Classic Hits radio stations in the U.S., and talk about what they do and play.

L89 | Adult Hits by the Numbers

We go through the Music Universes of the Top Adult Hits radio stations in the U.S., and talk about what they do and play.

L88 | Country Radio's Music by the numbers

Ever wonder about Country stations?? We go through the Music Universes of the Top Country radio stations in the U.S., and talk about what they do and play.

L87 | Urban AC Radio's Music by the numbers

Let's go through the Music Universes of the Top Urban AC radio stations in the U.S., and talk about them.

L86 | Urban Radio's Music by the numbers

Let's go through the Music Universes of the Top URBAN radio stations in the U.S., and talk about them.

L87 | Urban AC Radio's Music by the numbers

Let's go through the Music Universes of the Top Urban AC radio stations in the U.S., and talk about them.

L86 | Urban Radio's Music by the numbers

Let's go through the Music Universes of the Top URBAN radio stations in the U.S., and talk about them.

L85 | CHR/Top 40 Radio's Music by the numbers

Let's go through the Music Universes of the Top CHR/Top 40 radio stations in the U.S., and talk about them.

L84 | AC Radio's Music by the numbers

Let's go through the Music Universes of the Top AC radio stations in the U.S., and talk about them.

L83 | How to build a personal MediaBase Portfolio

Most of the time you want to follow specific stations in specific formats; not every station in a format. This is how to do that in Mediabase.

L82 | How to do a Radio Music Test

The specifics of testing music for a radio station from beginning to end. Plus how to interpret the findings.

L81 | The Real Reasons People Listen to Radio

If you're a PD, this is a must see. We'll unpack a great research study that lays out exactly why people stream online music versus listening to a radio station.

L80 | What exactly is Strategy? Step #8.

There's a big difference between a business plan and a strategy. Learn the difference. Plus 2 real life radio examples of strategy in action. This would be Step 8 to figure out.

L79 | Step 7 - How to analyze all the station recordings so far

How to analyze the online station tapings that you did and what you're looking for. We'll do it manually and using MediaBase.

L78 | A Radio Blog worth Reading

A look at today's Fred Jacob's Blog. How Paul McCartney thinks and programs his concerts like a radio PD.....should.

L77 | Introduction to Mediabase

A deep dive into Mediabase. The programmers program. What it does, how it works, with a couple real life examples.

L76 | What's the BEST Music Format in Radio today?

This is also Step #6 in what to do when you're the new PD. Plus what I think is the best music format. Why.....and how we got here.

L75 | I kept this a secret for 40 years

I'll share with you a secret that was the core of everything I did in radio. And in all my time as a PD and GM, I didn't tell anyone.

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L74 | This is reality. You just have to be open to it.

Boundaries = Average. If you can grasp this video you can build remarkable radio stations. Period.

L73 | Music Seeding and distorting one format into another

The key to competing. Distorting your music to lean towards a goal or to protect the music against a targeted audience. And the concept of altering one format into another.

L72 | Building a winning station's culture

Your people make you a success. You can't get there without them. To do that you need to building a culture that outperforms.....and wins. Sometimes though, you have to be the bad guy for the good of the team.

L71 | Step 4: Judging your Competition

What to listen for, things to think about, and other stuff you need to know when you're the new PD evaluating your competitors.

L70 | Every new PD needs to ask for these items before getting to your new station

Radio station programming involves money and that means budgets. Know what you're getting into by doing this.

L69 | Step 2: You're the new Program Director. Now what?

A Step by Step guide of what to do when you take a new radio PD job and you don't know the format. This is what you should do.


L68 | The Difference between PPM Ratings and Diary Radio Ratings

A layman's description of the differences and impact of these two types of ratings surveys.

L68 | The Difference between PPM Ratings and Diary Radio Ratings

A layman's description of the differences and impact of these two types of ratings surveys.

L67 | Congrats. You're the new Program Director. Now what? Specifically.

A Step by Step guide of what to do when you take a new radio PD job. This is step 1. This is the start of a series of lessons that specifically lay out what you should do.

L66 | How to Assess Radio Stations and Formats

Perhaps the most important concept I can ever teach you. How to listen to stations and get a feel for exactly what they're doing and where they fit in, or not fit in, to their particular market. This is the very first step in trying to build a successful radio station.

L65 | Radio Websites worth your Time

I'll go through a bunch of websites dedicated to radio that have great data, and/or great blogs, information, or just programming thinking that'll help you be a better PD.

L64 | Live and Local can be deadly

Don't make the mistake of thinking being 'Local' is going to help you win. It won't. There's so much more to winning that just leaning on being the 'local' station.

L63 | Letting People Go. How to do it as well as you can.

Firing people is brutal. Brutal on them, rough on you, terrible all around. But you can at least make it humane and something that a person can move on from easier. It'll still hurt, but less... hopefully. Let me take you through it all.

L62 | Another PD hired your staff. What now?

You're the new PD but without the luxury of hiring your own staff. Clearly you have some talent that won't cut it, and some that do. How do you handle all that?

L61 | One Skill every radio DJ should have

The voice is an instrument but only some radio DJ's use it that way when doing a show. It's a lost art because it's almost impossible with voice tracking. But you need to know how to do it. Here's some examples of what it can sound like.

L60 | Specifically Hiring Air Talent Part 2

Hiring On-Air Talent is different than regular jobs. Let me show you what to look for.

L59 | Hiring Great Creative People Part 1

3 Crazy hiring stories that worked out amazingly. But definitely not what they'll teach you to do in HR class. First of a two part series on hiring creative people.

L58 | It's Time to Kill Radio

A thought provoking piece on young listeners, CHR, and the state of radio in general. And some advice on solving any problem, by a 91 year old investing legend....Berkshire Hathaway's Charlie Munger.

L57 | Programming an AC Format Pt. 2

How to build a library from a music research study, morning shows, talent, and more. How to program an AC radio station.

Gary's website is: garyberk.com His YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzQKFzTpnVpgtaYtHUTTl8A

L56 | Programming an AC Format Pt. 1

The first of two videos with consultant Gary Berkowitz dissecting the AC format. The nuances, the rotations and category thinking and most all the other things in play to understand and program this format.

Gary's website is: garyberk.com His YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzQKFzTpnVpgtaYtHUTTl8A

L55 | Quitting - Why it's the Smart Move

Quitting: Mistakes at work, your job, the game, and other things that don't make sense anymore to do. Plus 9 areas from a research study to help you THINK DIFFERENT.

The article: https://radioink.com/2022/01/11/music-radio-a-kingdom-of-gold/?vgo_ee=DylfuPgov2kUQh3B0bcpW4vy7T5YEJ8ohjC9vauJg30%3D

L54 | Programming Active Rock Radio

A discussion of radio's Active Rock format with Dave Lange. What's important, the music rotations and era specifics layout, morning shows and more. All to help you Learn how to be a radio program director.

L53 | Rock Radio's History and current trends

A look at all the Rock formats journey from start to now, the format splintering, and trends today. All with Dave Lange who's been programming rock for 4 decades.

L52 | The Best Lessons for beginning Program Directors

Of the 51 lessons this year, these 9 are the best for a beginning PD. They'll help you to understand the job much quicker than normal.

L51 | Radio Promotion Specifics by the numbers

Last in Contests & Promotions series. Literally how many promos & liners & ID’s & other things go with specific different types of promotions.

L50 | The Radio Guy's Interview - Promotions

Over a 100 years of radio experience working through thoughts on radio contests, handling promotions and building great (not just good) radio stations.

L49 | The Greatest Radio Contest... Ever

Number 2 in our Contests & Promotions Series. A Case Study of THE LAST CONTEST. Why, how, what, cost, with LOTS of audio and video. Plus how MTV gave away hundreds of thousands in prizing and yet actually made money by doing it.

L48 | Contests & Promotions - 1st of a series

Details on how to think about contests & promotions. Bonus: The easiest way to quickly DOUBLE your contest budget.

L47 | The Amazing story of Rosalie Trombley

How one person changed the radio and music industries and curated the soundtrack of an entire generation.

"Maybe only God has made more stars than Rosalie Trombley," said singer-songwriter Tony Orlando from his home in Branson, Mo., crediting her for his career and the careers of many others in the music industry.

Pretty heavy words from a TV & recording star, but then if you see the video you'll realize he's not embellishing.

https://www.rockhall.com https://www.rockhall.com/contact-us

L46 | A completely different tact for building your air staff. Expendables!

Lets open up your thinking to something different. You want to hire an air staff. Lets look at the whole process from a different angle. Lots of upsides, not a lot of downsides if your format situation fits. Hiring air talent that no one wants.

L45 | 5 Social Skills you need for PD success

We interview Dave Farough on programming an Alternative format, and his 5 Personal Skills that every PD should know and use.

L44 | Building your station's Audio Signature

So many things go into creating an Audio Signature of your radio station. We'll explore those in detail with real examples and more. It's a lot more complex than just your audio processing.

Lusher Color Test: https://onlinetestpad.com/en/test/987-the-luscher-color-test

L43 | Should I do another channel?

Here's a taste of what I was thinking of doing on a new second channel. Personal stories from me, my co-workers, and others in the biz back then when radio was a lot crazier than it is now. Would love to hear if you'd watch it or not.

L42 | Don't say your name on the radio

Why you shouldn't use your real name, how to choose a name, and why it makes it easier for you to be a better performer on the air.

AND...a very specific reason why I would never use my name on the radio if I had it to do over again.

L41 | When you can't afford Music Research

Your research budget for music is zero. What's the next best thing for your station? This lesson (and 41-B on the Musicomacademy Channel) shows you how to get researched music and rough category splits for your station for no money. But, it'll be a lot of work.

L40 | Why your station can't get better demos

The surprising, easy to fix reason why Top 40 stations lose older listeners that they should be keeping. They already listening but your station pushes them away?

L39 | A look into how a GM from sales views programming

Some insight into how you as a PD can help your GM get to view you better. Two GM's talk about radio. One, who came up through sales and the other from programming.

L38 | 5 Programming Things you should know as a PD

A bit of everything - Hiring air talent • altering formats • taking new jobs, copying stations, even your age as a factor and lots more.

Lesson 37 | The Absolute best way to interview for a PD or MD

For a GM hiring a PD or a PD hiring a music director. This is bar none, the best way to go about it. It takes time but will totally eliminate 'surprises' down the road when you find out your new PD or MD does not think like you thought they did. Plus other programming info to help you know your music inside and out.

L36 | Sales & Programming. The good, the bad. The Surprising.

If you're in radio doing anything but sales, this will tell you more about sales that you ever thought possible. Much will be surprising. Plus we'll go into how you can eliminate or at least temper that constant battle between programming and sales. It's not that hard.

Lesson 35 | Final thoughts on Hot Clocks, Categories and random thoughts a PD needs to know

We'll go through dayparts on this lesson and talk about the usual things that come up and you should be aware of. And...some personal history to share that I think will help you down the road or perhaps right now after you become a PD.

L34 | A CHR station with A/C sensibilities

So here's the question. If A/C, Urban A/C, Classic Rock, and Classic Hit stations are all doing so well and CHR's usually aren't. Maybe it's time to ask Why? #5 in the series is an A/C take on building a CHR with slower rotations and very different thinking to the norm.

Lesson 33 | CHR's, current leaning stations and an in-depth look at how to figure category sizes. Plus we'll pick apart Z100.

This is #4 of a series of many intertwined lessons that take us through all the pieces of making Hot Clocks and marrying them to Categories. Last lesson was on gold leaning stations, and specifically A/C.

On this one, we'll dissect one hour of Z100 in NY. Plus we'll go through formulas, spreadsheets, and all the calculations of figuring out the best sizes for your categories and how that relates to how many songs you play per hour and the repeat fallout that comes from all that.

Lesson 32 | Lets build a real format Hot Clock

Continuing on with #3 in a series, walking through Hot Clocks and Categories. This time we'll build an A/C Hot Clock in real time with explanations. Thoughts that come to mind, things to watch for, and more. Most AC's now lean heavily into gold as does this lesson. When we move into lesson #4 we'll pick apart Z100 and go through CHR's and other current leaning stations.

Lesson 31 | Why stations run a tight music universe

This is #2 of a series of many intertwined lessons that take us through all the piecess of making Hot Clocks and marrying them to Categories. But we need to fill in the blanks with first steps like the two lessons so far.

On this one, there's all the math and examples so that you can understand why a reasonably tight music list makes sense. We'll go through it as if you have music research and what happens typically with your results, and for those of you who have zero money for research and use old music charts like Billboard or Mediabase....we'll cover off that too.

Lesson 30 | Dissecting the time that people actually listen to radio. TSL..the math of it all.

This one starts us down a series of around 4 to 6 intersecting lessons on Hot Clocks, Categories, size of your universe and all that. But first we have to start there. TSL: Time Spent Listening. It probably doesn't work like you think it does and that impacts how you would program all those other things above. So...lets take it in baby steps.

Lesson 29 | Being a Radio PD | Valuing your staff

A different look at why you probably are paying your staff wrong. Let's take a step back and see if you're wasting money on their end or on your end.

The 'Logo' video I referenced is called: Pricing Design Work & Creativity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKXZ7t_RiOE&list=WL&index=34&t=1956s

Lesson 28 | A secret way to program you’ve never heard of

This lesson goes into territory most people will never tell you because they have no idea it exists. I'll show you a way of programming a radio station that you likely have never heard of. But it was done with massive success by Alan Almond. This is Alan’s story, and exactly what he did that was incredibly radical but also obvious; like most great ideas are in life. If you can start to think in these terms, you will enhance your chances of programming success tenfold.

Lesson 27 | One easy step to turn a plain listener into a fan

Ultimately the goal of a PD is to get listeners to love your radio station on a deeper level than just loving the music or one of your jocks. You want them committed to your station like someone who's committed to Apple products. Locked in. To do that you have to do something for the listener, not just the station. This is one of those 'somethings'.

Lesson 26 | Radio Research for current and new PD's

Researching music, personalities, and the station itself can be fairly complex. It's very easy to skew your questions and receive answers you like but their wrong. We'll delve into that and more as we do a primer of sorts on what type of research radio stations do, how they work, what to look out for, and how to adapt some of the answers to actual programming.

Lesson 25 | Setting up and using tempo controls with music scheduling software

There's lots of ways you can move the tempo up or down on your radio station using music scheduling software. This lesson goes through a few of the main ones that you'd use to initially set a station up for your starting point. Then listen, and adjust to whatever you're looking to hear from your station.

Lesson 24 | Make your Intuition help you build a better station

Programming is all about data, facts and how you interpret those. That area is feel and intuition. Everyone will view those facts in different ways depending on their history. In this lesson I'm going to show you how to teach your mind to have great radio intuition when using all those facts and data. Plus there's 3 'homework' tasks to work on, and a bonus of how to force your intuition to act now rather than waiting.

Lesson 23 | Up your game to another level - Part 1

Your subconscious mind can actually help you program better. This is sort of a primer. In the next lesson, 24, we'll go into How to learn it. How to do it. How to listen to that voice in your head so that you become a better programmer.

Lesson 22 Plus | Extra information on Lesson 22

I got some emails asking if there's some way of figuring out how many A's, B's or C's a station plays in a typical hour. That would make it easier to emulate their hot clocks. Quick answer, "Yes, there is a way." I explain how in this add-on using the same data as the full Lesson 22.

Lesson 22 | Current Music setups for every format. Big stations, Big markets.

We'll look at every music format playing current music and see what the 'norm' is. Then we'll directly look at spin data and I'll show you how to hack a station's rotations for free. Then, we'll actually answer the question, "How many spins is too many spins before I start wrecking my station?"

Lesson 21 | 5 things a jock can do to make yourself great exceptionally fast.

Five major, but easy, things you can do to be a better radio DJ quickly. The normal process of tuning and teaching your ear to be a pro takes 5 to 6 years. You can cut that timeframe down from years to just months. Plus push your career forward with some realistic work and forward thinking instead of just hoping it'll somehow happen by accident.

Lesson 20 | How to use Music Scheduling Software

This will be our first dive into learning how music scheduling software works. We'll litterally be live using MusicMaster and I'll take you through entering songs into the system and setting up the system. This will be very basic and the first of many different sections of music scheduling software. We'll attack them little by little, one at a time. This is our first one.

Lesson 19 | BEST Radio Advice...Ever!

The first part of this lesson looks back on Lesson 18 with some clarity of why an audience's memor is so important in a rating diary market. Then we'll move into what happened to me during an aircheck session as a jock in New York City. What came up during that session changed how I viewed being on the radio forever. I have passed on this knowledge many times to jocks who've worked for me. Now, I'm passing it on to you. It is precious info.

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Lesson 18 | How to do great Liners

First off we'll talk about liners; Why are they done? What that actually means. Then, we'll do liners and talk it through. Examples abound but more importantly throughout this lesson I'll explain to you why HOW you do liners is incredibly important for getting the most out of your air talent. Basically helping them be better because of what you do.

Lesson 17 | Immigrants. What they listen to and why.

If you're a PD in a city with lots of immigrants, this lesson will help you attract a lot of those new citizens to your station. Check the ratings in NY, LA, Miami etc and look at the top formats in the Top 10. Then watch this lesson to see why. If your city doesn't have many immigrants, this info will be nice to know but tough to do anything with at the moment. If you are in a high immigrant market, this information will make a big difference in your ratings.

Lesson 16 | Leading Creative People

My thoughts on being the boss of people who work for you. Plus a lot of thoughts and quotes of very famous people about how they treat and think about the employess that work for them. This lesson is pretty much all you need to know about how to treat those people who actually make your job easier and better.

L15 | 5 software types every PD should know

Five different types of software that every Program Director should have at least a basic knowledge of. First to do the job well. Secondly for your own future. A couple of these are ramping up so fast for useage by everyone that at some point soon if you don't know them you'll be at a huge competitive disadvantage.

Lesson 14 | Getting prepared for a Major Ratings Period

How do you prepare for a major ratings period? We'll explore the thinking and then delve into some strategies using DAYPARTING and PACKETING. We'll talk it through and then actually do it first hand on computer scheduling software so you can see it in action. Two concepts to know as we do a new more aggressive playlist for an upcoming major ratings period.

Lesson 13 | Making the playist for next week

This lesson will combine lessons 11 & 12. We'll put both of those together and use that information to move ahead with actually making up a radio station playlist for next week.

Lesson 12| Preparing for a Music Meeting to choose new music

Every station picks current music and/or moves around their playlists every week. This is how to use the information at hand to arm yourself with good data to make good decisions. Next lesson we'll put Lesson 11 & 12 together and go through actually changing a playlist from this week to the next.

Lesson 11 | Format Creep

This wrecks just about every station at one time or another. Your station simply creeps out of format and begins to sound terrible. The sad part is that most program directors have no idea it's happening until it's too late..

This lesson teaches you how to track, recognize, and fix your station from creeping out of its format before it causes any damage.

Lesson 10| Going for your first PD job? Here's some Do's & Don'ts

Early in my career I made a lot of dumb avoidable mistakes when trying to get that first PD's job. Lucky you though, because I'll take you through them so you don't make them too. Some are mistakes to avoid and and others are things to consider when trying to land a Program Director's job.

Here's a great article by Mike McVay on other things to do when you're on this path. I'll do more detail on these in a later lesson, but for now....they help. https://radioink.com/2020/11/23/becoming-a-program-director/

Lesson 9 | Programming Commercials

How to program commercials on the radio so that they become more palatable to the listeners.

Everyone hates hearing them. Or at least that's what they say. Even though we need them to stay in business, there are better ways to play them so that listeners don't tune out.

Lesson 8 | How songs are really chosen for radio air play

A step by step account of the process how radio stations pick songs to play on the radio. This is what actually happens. I'll put you in a music meeting for choosing new songs to play on the radio and take you through it point by point with all the thinking that goes on when choosing songs to play.

If you're in a band or a musical artist. I think you'll find this eye opening.

Lesson 7 | Using Separation techniques for music scheduling

An explanation of how radio programmers use music and show separation techniques to shape their station's sound. Today it would be done with music scheduling software. In this lesson we teach the concept old school. It's exactlly what you'll find when we move to using software.

Lesson 6 | Programming Music for Radio

A Primer of the way current and gold music was played on CKLW and how you'd do it now on today's computer systems. This will get you started and set up for future lessons when we go much deeper into how you can shape a station's music to make it sound exactly like you want it to be. Once again this concept is exactly what will happen when we move over to computer software in later lessons.

Lesson 5 | The Basics. What exactly is a Hot Clock?

We start with the Hot Clocks that helped build CKLW into a legendary radio station. To understand programming, you have to begin here. I'll show you them. Explain why they were done, and break out the concepts of building them. We'll do this without a computer scheduling program but understand that this concept is exactly what will happen when we move over to computer software in later lessons.

Lesson 4 | A short history primer of how today's radio evolved.

A short history of radio programming and how radio went from free form 'do what you want' to specialized focused programming. This is how we got here and we owe it mainly to two creative risk takers who turned the norm on its head.

Lesson 3 | What actually IS the job of a Program Director

Being a PD is lot more than just picking songs. As we start on this journey of teaching you how to be a program director, first we need to understand exactly what that job really is; not what you think it is.

Lesson 2 | More Radio Words & Terms

A continuation of Lesson one except that now we get into terms that pertain to programming a station, understanding ratings, research, and other concepts.

Lesson 1 | Radio Words & Terms you need to know

Every business has terms, words, abbreviations and so forth that form their own language when talking with someone from that industry. It's hard to be effective not knowing them. Our starting point is taking you through some of those words as they pertain to jobs inside of a radio station.

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